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Want to maximize your tax write-offs?
Simplify your bookkeeping and maximize your tax returns with Easy Expense.
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Ever wondered if becoming a tutor was a viable career? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says tutoring jobs should grow by 14%. What's even better is that self-employed tutors will be half of that growth rate! So if you decide to become a tutor, consider being self-employed or an independent contractor.

As a self-employed tutor, that means you'll need to buy equipment and materials. Unfortunately, you’ll be paying out-of-pocket as you won’t have an employer to reimburse you. Since these are necessary and ordinary purchases for tutoring, they are tax write-offs. In other words, they’re tax deductions that you can claim when filing taxes. To help you, we've compiled some of the common expenses for self-employed tutors!

General Expenses

Working From Home

Driving For Work

Traveling For Work